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Thailand Herbal Weight Loss

Herbal weight loss Reduce body fat pretty accurate with herbs close to 12 species of benefits here. I am on a diet is what it is do not miss it.

No one denies that there is anything good shape and healthy is what everyone dreams. So many people are trying hard to lose weight by using different methods, such as exercise, diet control. Or even a food supplement to help them lose weight. Yes, but supplements are safe always. If you find a good supplement but if you supplement it with a mixture of chemicals that are not good for what it is. Rather than lose weight, the mind went back will be subjected to severe complications or consequences varied much time to waste.

Despite the fact that the supplement may also contain ingredients from herbs close to where we can eat it fresh, without having to rely on medication to extract them even less. It is also safer with But there are some herbs that help you lose weight. This gearbox dot com bringing the herbs that can help to reduce fat and fat deposits. Good to see that the herbs are eaten some pretty exact. It's healthy

1. Lemon

If it comes to herbal and spicy, who can lose weight. You have to think of Lemon certainly. Now Lemon became a popular herb used for weight loss. Get recipes to lose weight with the lemonade wasalso based there.

Why lemon juice to lose weight effectively, it is because lemons are acidic, which helps in the breakdown of fats. In addition, there are also high in vitamin C. Lemon. When getting into in moderation, it makes the fat in the lower body. It is a normal triglyceride levels Bad fat is reduced and allows the fat to rise. It is also high in fiber lemon Makes you feel full and reduces appetite. Who wants to lose weight, like the sour taste it. Lemon, you really should not miss

2.Sweet basil seed

Although sweet basil seed will not contain nutrients that help in reducing obesity directly. But sweet basil seed, it can help to control food. The sweet basil seed is a plant that does not generate power. You can swell up to 45 times if taken orally before meals will help you feel full. And help eat less.

In addition, sweet basil seed can also be eaten in both children and adults. Safe for pregnant and lactating women as well. But if you do not like to eat fresh sweet basil seed so it was, try to mix with other drinks as you like, but it must be soaked in water until fully inflated before it. Otherwise, it can cause bloating and constipation instead.

3. Malva Nuts

The malva nuts or with another name "Pugtalai" which has properties in reducing obesity as a side. Because back when soaked in water, it will swell and when to eat it to make full and eat less. It also helps eliminate fat from the body. Fat in the intestine With the absorption of fat already excreted in the stool.

It has a pharmacological data mentioned feeding consecutive balls to spare for a long time, it may cause the body to receive nutrients. Especially vitamins and some minerals reduced. So if you take the ball back up to what it should eat to lose weight to fit me.

4. Roselle

Roselle that we have to make a gumbo. Is an herb that can help you lose weight quite well. The sepals of the flower Or petals are left attached to the results. Can be used as drugs to lower cholesterol. The studies and experiments with rabbits with high cholesterol and found that levels of triglycerides, cholesterol and lipid levels, the bad (LDL) decrease and the amount of good fat (HDL) increased, it also relieves severe. The clogged arteries of the heart to a minimum.

While in Egypt Roselle also has started to boil and eat a diet pills. As a laxative, and also helps kill bacteria in the gut as well. But we do not need to eat gumbo, boiled or not. If you really want to lose weight with okra gumbo, then try not to mix sugar water to drink, they will help as well.

5. Safflower

Safflower is another good herb to reduce fat in the blood. Sweat This would be great if you drink before bed. It is a mild laxative and can help to reduce body weight and reduce belly, too, now we can buy saffron ready to drink it.

But if you like fresh than I can buy a red Safflower cooked in boiling water for 5 minutes, then filtered water. If you want a taste, you can add sugar to taste. If you are drinking to lose weight it is. Should be changed to add stevia to taste the sweetness. I have yet to lose two.

6. Basil

Basil is a herb that is widely used in cooking. It is also a popular food too. The properties of basil We know already that there is a strong driving wind. Solving the colic distension, abdominal pain and diarrhea have. The properties of basil Another cool that we hardly know each other, that is. The driver, fat and sugar

Ever wonder why some Why must a la carte menu, fried basil basil beef, pork, chicken, basil, sweet basil is because in addition to the smell of meat already. The effects of fat and excess sugar from the body. The herb helps bile to help digest fats in the liver out better too. So if you want to lose weight you are. Basil is a good alternative way to do it.

7. Garlic

Thailand garlic herb that is often used to make most meals. Whether it is a dish where they have garlic was. But the fresh garlic only. The recent adoption cooked garlic in food can help you lose weight.

That is so, because the garlic is a substance allicin, which has the ability to lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, reduce blood glucose, enhances the efficiency of the fungicide, reduces inflammation effect. antioxidant, inhibition of tumor cells and certain cancers. The experiments have shown that if you eat garlic per day, 10 petals make cholesterol levels dropped 14% fat bad LDL decreased by 17% and good fats like HDL higher than 41% ever, but the substance Allis. Sin will be destroyed on exposure to oil and heat. It should be eaten fresh garlic cloves at least 3-5 small meals to lose weight before.

If you want to increase muscle mass was too taken with food or after a meal, it helps increase muscle mass much more. But do not forget about bad breath and body odor with it. It was a very strong smell of garlic If you need to find someone after eating garlic should avoid eating. Whether or not it would be best to brush teeth before.

8. Peppers

Who is going to believe that Guinea will have the ability to reduce obesity. But that was because peppers are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C, which I think is going to help expand the blood vessels in the intestines and stomach. The body can absorb the nutrients better. And helps in the digestive system as well. In addition to vitamins and Pepper also contains Capsaicin as (Capsaicin), Oleoresin (Oleoresin) and acid Ascorbate Arabic. Ascorbate acid here's a big role in reducing obesity. It will help to burn fat into energy as well. If anyone who is physically a low metabolism. Eating peppers often helps the body to adapt better.

However, even chili to reduce weight. But you have to eat a lot to get enough nutrients in peppers. So if you want to use pepper helps in reducing obesity by it. Recommend eating chili in the form of the extract is better to eat fresh as a bundle that can cause abdominal pain, bloating, stomach further apart.

9. Stevia

Stevia is an herb that can be sweeteners like sugar. It also helps to reduce weight as well. Because stevia is a plant that provides energy and calories is very low. It can be mixed with drinks or to flavor food instead of sugar was good. But the sweetness of sugar, stevia has more than 200-300 times that of sucrose. And, if eaten regularly, it has no side effects to be nervous, so I like to eat sweet. But people do not want it. Stevia, here's the best help them.

10. Turmeric

Turmeric contains the phytochemical called curcumin. The application of this will help to inhibit the growth of fat cells. You can help reduce fat The curcumin can be eaten both fresh and cooked food. If it can be cooked with fried foods will help digest fats in food as well. More important, should not be the canary in the heat over 65 degrees because it may cause a substance in turmeric Steroid it.

11. Garcinia

In garcinia HAC or substance containing hydroxy citric acid. A lot The substance is a substance that has great features for the extraction and inhibit the accumulation of body fat over night. It also helps to eat less tummy slim build up. The majority of people tend to eat more waste in the form of an extract of Garcinia and product selection to lose weight, it should be the size of 300-600 mg and are labeled only as not to be. side effects, however, we should avoid fatty foods. The reduction of its chips And exercise in order to lose weight will be. Effective and back fat is not as troubling to doing so.

12. Konjac

Konjac are plants that are slimming taken orally. It contains glucosamine's invasion of Canaan. Which is a carbohydrate or starch containing glucose, mannose supplements Santos thick sticky when eaten, will enjoy it. Because the viscosity of glucomannan will slow the absorption of glucose from the intestines to other parts of the body, making the diet less on the other by default. It is high in fiber, making it good for the gut and excrete more. The raids also led to a wide variety of food also has no effect on the body as well. Anyone who wants to lose weight, try to cook the meat, it is the goal to help you.

How do you approach the 12 kinds of herbs to tell you today. Those who lose weight can try these herbs help to reduce it further weakened. But do not forget that I also should eat in moderation because if you eat too much damage may have followed. If you do not know bodyguard slender body weight because of side effects, illnesses anyway.

credit by http://health.kapook.com/ 

